Dear Bishop’s Circle Member,
Our focus during this final year of National Eucharistic Revival is Receive and Share. Each of us has a unique connection to God, but we share one belief: that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Now you can become an intentional disciple by attending Mass, volunteering at your parish and supporting the 2024 Diocesan Lenten Appeal.
Your donation will help form future priests, enhance the Diaconate Program, Aid Ukrainian refugee resettlement efforts and help build Regional Faith Formation to form future disciples of Christ.
To make a contribution to the Diocesan Lenten Appeal, click the Donate Now button above.
I am so grateful for your support as you Receive and Share your blessings. Be assured you and your loved ones are in my prayers.
God Bless You,
The Most Reverend Larry J. Kulick, J.C.L.
Bishop of Greensburg
Join or renew your membership in The Bishop’s Circle
The Diocese of Greensburg is grateful for all the benefactors who participate in every level of giving in The Bishop’s Circle. You are supporting the mission of the Church and our Diocese. Thank you!
What is required to become an annual member?
The Bishop’s Circle members make a minimum annual contribution of $1,200 to the Diocese of Greensburg or The Catholic Foundation, including the Diocesan Lenten Appeal, the Seminarian and Clergy Formation Collection, Catholic Charities, Catholic schools or the Diocesan Heritage Center, renewable at the start of each calendar year.
How are the funds used?
Annual contributions to The Bishop’s Circle support diocesanwide missions and ministries. Gifts made to specific appeals will be used in accordance with the stated purpose of those appeals. Outright gifts may be unrestricted or made for a particular purpose. Gifts to a specific Diocesan Endowment can also be made with the assistance of our Foundation office.
Gifts can be made in payments annually, semiannually, quarterly or monthly. Pledge reminders may be sent so that gifts can be paid in full by the end of the calendar year.
What are the benefits of annual membership?
All Bishop’s Circle members will receive priority communication regarding Diocesan events and spiritual gatherings, advanced information about Diocesan pilgrimages and a special invitation to the annual donor appreciation event at Christ Our Shepherd Center.
Why is Amethyst the highest level of giving?
This year, we have made Amethyst the highest level of giving as a symbol of sacrifice. Amethyst is a semi-precious stone, which means it is not nearly as valuable as diamonds, gold, silver, and bronze. But in the church’s tradition, it is considered to be the bishop’s stone, often appearing in an ordinary’s ring or pectoral cross. It is a reminder that in service to the church, we turn something that is seemingly less valuable into the most precious of all.
Amethyst level donors will receive an invitation to dinner at the Bishop’s residence.