The Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship serves the diocesan mission primarily by responding to the initial and ongoing formation of lay men and women who, together with the ordained, bear responsibility for fostering the baptismal call of all the faithful of the Diocese in certain hope that the world may be transformed in the light of Christ.

Our diocesan office:
- Offers the Certificate in Pastoral Ministry, which also serves as a resource to the diocesan Office for the Permanent Diaconate.
- Offers Pathways, an adult faith formation course.
- Administers the Anselm Fund, a form of financial assistance.
- Conducts an annual survey of lay ecclesial ministers who serve our parishes and Catholic schools.
Lay ecclesial minister is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) preferred term for a member of an emerging and recognizable group among the larger group of laity who serve to equip and strengthen the church for its mission in the world.
What does Lay Ecclesial Ministry mean?
- It is lay because it is service done by lay people. The sacramental basis is the sacraments of initiation, not the sacrament of holy orders.
- It is ecclesial because it has a place within the community of the church, whose communion and mission it serves, and because it is submitted to the discernment, authorization and supervision of the hierarchy.
- It is ministry because it is the work by which Christians participate in the threefold ministry of Christ, who is priest, prophet and king, and continue his mission and ministry in the world.
As the body of Christ, we are called and gifted in various ways to share responsibility for the sanctification of the world. From among the faithful are those who are called to serve the church as its ordained ministers and experience a specific call to lay ecclesial ministry.