Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus shared the Good News with all whom He encountered. He called His disciples to have the trust of little children that God would provide for their needs. Every teaching and action of Jesus in the Gospels was the sharing of Himself with the world. He gave His life on the cross to share the gift of salvation with us. He tells us not to be afraid and to trust in Him, giving us the ability to share our gifts with others. We are called to share His compassion with the poor, so that each of us may bring His love to the forgotten and marginalized. We are called to share His Truth with others through the teaching of the faith and the forming of disciples. What better way to imitate Christ than to recognize this Lent as A Time to Share? Let us respond with acts of charity through your support of the Diocesan Lenten Appeal, which is critical to the Diocese of Greensburg’s mission to share Christ with others.
The Most Reverend Larry J. Kulick, J.C.L.
Bishop of Greensburg

The Bishop’s Circle
Join or renew your membership in The Bishop’s Circle. The Diocese of Greensburg is grateful for all the benefactors who participate in every level of giving in The Bishop’s Circle. You are supporting the mission of the Church and our Diocese. Thank you!
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Vocations Chapels
Sharing the importance of priestly ordinations to the future of our Church

Supporting the Diocesan Lenten Appeal provides funding for our Office of Priestly Vocations, which helps men discern their call to ordained ministry. You can also support vocations by making a pilgrimage to the four Vocations Chapels throughout the Diocese of Greensburg and praying for our future priests. These are quiet, prayerful places designed to encourage discernment of our callings from God, particularly the call to priesthood. The chapels are at Holy Family Parish, Latrobе; Saint Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown; Saint Thomas More University Parish, Indiana; and Saint Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Kittanning.
Regional Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Directors
Sharing the Gospel Message with our young people

Your gift to the Diocesan Lenten Appeal helps to find and fund new ways to revitalize our parish faith communities with the help of the Eucharistic Lord. When you share your gifts, you support Regional Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Directors who are able to share the Gospel through new and innovative faith formation models while coordinating religious formation for the young Church and families. Your generosity provides the faithful an opportunity to develop a close relationship with Christ through the sacraments, strengthening discipleship in our parishes and keeping them vibrant now and into the future.
Forming Future Priests
Sharing the love and mercy of Christ with the faithful

The Diocese of Greensburg was blessed with the ordinations last year of three new priests. Father David Slusarick, Father John Torres and Father Craig Alexander are devoted to sharing their ministry with nearly a dozen parishes thanks to the vocational support received from your generous gift to the Diocesan Lenten Appeal. Father Slusarick is also Associate Director of the Office of Priestly Vocations. When you share your gifts, you also are helping to form future priests in the Diocese. Your generosity helps to support seven men currently in various stages of their priestly formation.
Kerygma, KNOW HIM & Men’s and Women’s Conferences
Sharing the Good News and bringing thousands closer to Christ

The Kerygma Discipleship Retreat invites people to form a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ; KNOW HIM experiential events provide memorable, interactive religious immersions; and the Diocesan Men’s and Women’s Conferences enable attendees to receive Christ into their hearts through prayer, praise and worship, Mass, speakers, and confession. Over the last two years, these events have touched the lives and hearts of more than 5,000 people in our Diocese.
Catholic Charities
Sharing donations with infants and children in need

For 70 years, and with the ongoing support of the Diocesan Lenten Appeal, Catholic Charities has remained committed to its mission to provide help and create hope for those in need throughout the four counties of the Diocese of Greensburg, assisting more than 5,000 people each year. Some of the neediest among us are children. You can support infants and children by making a monetary donation to the Diocesan Lenten Appeal, or purchasing items for the Catholic Charities Baby Closet. In the past year, parishioners at Saint James Parish in New Alexandria, led by the Rosary Altar Society, restocked the Catholic Charities Baby Closet. They organized a baby shower to generously support babies and mothers in need.

Qualified Charitable Distributions
- If you are 70½ years old or older, the IRS permits you to transfer up to $105,000 from your IRA to charity tax-free each year with a QCD.
- If you are at least 73 years old, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution for the year.
Appreciated Securities
- You can give your appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds, directly to charity.
- You may avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock and receive a charitable income tax deduction.
Leave a Legacy
- Remember your Parish or a Diocesan Mission in your estate plans. Visit DG.GiftLegacy.com
For more information:
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