Established in 1986, The Catholic Foundation exists to support the pastoral, educational and social service ministries of the Diocese. Recently, Managing Director Paul Puleo had a conversation with Bishop Emeritus Lawrence E. Brandt. Puleo asked Bishop Emeritus Brandt to give his explanation of the logo for The Catholic Foundation, an identity created when he was the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg from 2004-15.
Below is Bishop Emeritus Brandt’s explanation of The Catholic Foundation logo.
The ship or barque is a very ancient Christian symbol for the Church. Jesus founded the Church on the Apostle Peter, a fisherman. The Church is often called the “barque of Peter.” Christ commissioned the Apostles to be fishers who bring others to faith in Christ.
The Church is conceived of as a ship navigating through the seas of the centuries with their perilous waves ofdisbelief and persecution. It is bringing the cargo of human souls into the safe harbor of heaven.
The ship has a mast which is in full view, but yet is also a cross which is hidden. This comes from the need of the early Christians to disguise their faith with hidden symbols in times of persecution.
From the mast hang the sails which are filled with the full-blown power of the Holy Spirit which, as promised, moves the vessel forward on its journey. The color of the main sail is green, the color of hope — the hope born of our faith in the resurrection of the Lord. The four sails represent the four counties of the diocese — Armstrong, Fayette, Indiana and Westmoreland.
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Greensburg, through its philanthropic initiatives that are rooted in Gospel values and in the teaching of the Catholic Church, raises funds, awards grants, and stewards assets in order to advance the mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg to proclaim in word and action the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to build up the Kingdom of God on earth.
An endowment invested in The Catholic Foundation is a donated gift that is invested to produce ongoing income for a parish, school or Catholic agency in the Diocese of Greensburg.
An endowment allows your gift to benefit the parish, school or other entity forever. An endowment is an excellent way to honor or memorialize an individual or family with a scholarship, a parish program or a personal perpetual gift. An endowment supports the intent of the done and ensures that the gifts are designated to a specific purpose.
Cash • Real Estate • Stocks and Securities
This is the most popular tool naming the Foundation a specific amount or percentage from your estate to permanently benefit your parish or church forever.
You direct the proceeds, cash value of policy or any portion of it to benefit the parish or Catholic entity through the Foundation.
Name the Foundation as a beneficiary upon death to reduce or eliminate estate and income tax savings.
Information: Paul Puleo at 724-552-2509 or [email protected], or