“The kerygma is the foundational experience of encounter with God through Christ’s death and resurrection.”
— Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, 213

Presented by Diocesan Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship
The Kerygma Discipleship Retreat is:
- A powerful proclamation of the Gospel
- Rooted in the Sacraments
- An invitation to form a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ
- A model for us to live our faith in a modern world through prayer and community
Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg
~ May 2025 Schedule ~
Friday, May 16
9:00 AM: Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM: Morning Session
12:45 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Afternoon Session
5:15 PM: Dinner
6:15 PM: Evening Session with Confessions
Saturday, May 17
9:00 AM: Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM: Morning Session
12:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Afternoon Session
5:45 PM: Dinner
7:30 PM: Evening Session
Sunday, May 18
9:00 AM: Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM: Morning Session
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: Afternoon Session
4:00 PM: Celebration of Sunday Mass
NOTE: each session is broken into multiple proclamations from the retreat leaders and small group discussions.
For more information, please email [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question to see the answer.
What is Kerygma? ▼
- Kerygma comes from the Greek word for proclamation.
- Kerygma is the core message of the Christian faith and the heart of the Gospel.
- Pope Francis has said, “Nothing is more solid, profound, secure, meaningful, and wisdom-filled than the Kerygma. All Christian formation consists of entering more deeply into it” (Joy of the Gospel, 165).
- The goal of Kerygma is to allow individuals to form a lifelong personal relationship with Jesus Christ, leading to meaningful discipleship.
Is the Kerygma something new? ▼
- The Kerygma has been proclaimed since the very beginning of the Church, when the Apostles shared the Good News of Jesus Christ. Saint Peter proclaimed the Kerygma on the day of Pentecost and throughout the Acts of the Apostles.
- The Church in the Acts of the Apostles exploded in size and formed people who were witnesses of Jesus, even to death because of the Kerygma proclamations.
- Great saints like Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose, Saint John Chrysostom, and Saint Cyril of Jerusalem proclaimed the Kerygma in their homilies, which have been preserved and have provided the basis for the Kerygma model today.
- Pope Francis states the Kerygma “needs to be the center of all evangelizing activity and all efforts at Church renewal” (Joy of the Gospel, 163).
Why a Kerygma Retreat? ▼
- The Kerygma Discipleship Retreat is a way for people to receive this proclamation in a prayerful and Christ-centered way.
- The retreat is rooted in the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
- Each segment of the retreat leads to a deeper conversion to a Christian life in which Jesus is Savior and Lord of our life.
- A retreat experience allows proper time for reflection and spiritual growth apart from distractions of the world, as well as the formation of a community of evangelized persons.
What is the process of the retreat? ▼
- The Kerygma begins with God’s love for us and briefly recounts all of salvation history.
- There is an invitation to conversion and renewal of baptismal promises.
- We pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us, as He has guided the people of God, so that we may be more closely configured to Christ, and renew our Sacrament of Confirmation.
- To sustain our relationship, four pillars which help us sustain our faith (Church and community, Eucharist, prayer, and the study of the Word of God) are proposed so that we may bear more patiently our daily crosses and live a Christian way of life.
Who is the retreat designed for? ▼
- The retreat is designed for any adult (18 or older) who is interested in learning more about Jesus or forming a relationship with Him.
- Those who have been away from the Church or those who have not heard the Gospel before to learn more about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. (Non-Catholics interested in experiencing the Catholic faith life are welcome to attend.)
- Those who come to Mass on Sundays to deepen their relationship with Jesus and discover more about why we do what we do as Catholics.
- Those active in parish life to renew their relationship with Jesus and to be able to share the message of the retreat with others.
- Priests, deacons, religious, catechists, evangelization ministers, liturgical ministers, parish council or finance council members, Christian Initiation ministers, Bible study leaders, etc. Everyone!
What should I expect on the retreat? ▼
- The retreat includes several proclamations on the core message of the Gospel and Jesus’ invitation to us to follow Him.
- Following each proclamation, there is opportunity for small group discussion (usually around 6 people) with a facilitator.
- Prayerful music adds to the experience of the retreat.
- There is an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession), the renewal of baptismal promises, silent prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, and Sunday Mass.
Why is it called a discipleship retreat? ▼
- Disciples are dedicated followers of Jesus. The retreat is an opportunity to begin, renew, or strengthen your relationship with Jesus.
- Disciples choose to follow Jesus. The retreat does not force anyone to do anything they do not wish to do, but rather presents invitations to encounter Jesus in meaningful ways.
- Disciples learn from Jesus and stay close to Him. The retreat proposes practical ways to remain close to Jesus following the retreat.
- Disciples make personal assessments of their life. The retreat offers opportunities to personally evaluate where you are in your Christian way of life.
What do I need to bring? ▼
- An open mind and heart. The retreat gives participants an opportunity to have a heart-centered encounter with Jesus.
- An appetite. Meals Included: Friday: Continental Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, Saturday: Continental Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, Sunday: Continental Breakfast/Lunch, Snacks and beverages also provided throughout the retreat. There is also a lot of spiritual food served during the retreat.
- If you are commuting each day, we would recommend dressing in layers, as there will be opportunities to go outside and the temperature in the rooms can fluctuate throughout the day.
- If you are staying at the retreat center, we recommend bringing comfortable clothing for three days and two nights. The dorm rooms have central restrooms with private showers and dressing areas. Shower shoes are recommended. Linens, towels, and bath soap are provided. More information can be found at: https://www.christourshepherdcenter.org/facilities-services/lodging-accommodations/
What if I cannot attend the entire retreat? ▼
- The Kerygma Discipleship Retreat is an integrated proclamation of the Gospel, which means that each reflection and discussion builds on one another. In addition, the dynamics of the small group discussion change when participants do not attend the entire retreat.
- Participants should plan to attend the entire retreat in order to achieve the best experience of the retreat and benefit most fully from the encounter with Christ that occurs on the retreat. Missing portions of the retreat diminish the full impact of the retreat and is generally not permitted.
- Specific requests or concerns should be made to the Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship at [email protected] if you may need to miss a portion of the retreat.
How can I have the best retreat experience? ▼
- It is often stated that “whatever you put into a retreat, you will receive from a retreat.” Therefore, participants are encouraged to keep an open mind and heart throughout the entire retreat.
- Participants should pay attention to all the proclamations (presentations) and be an active participant in group discussions. Keeping your cell phone in the car or in your lodging helps from getting distracted from the experience of the retreat.
- Throughout the retreat, several invitations (such as taking time for silent prayer or group prayer or participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation) will be made to the participants. No one will force you to do anything, but the invitations are meant to help experience the retreat fully.
- Participants are encouraged to not bring a Bible to the actual presentations during the retreat, but rather to listen to the proclamations without distraction. However, participants have found it helpful to have their Bible during times of silent prayer or in their dorm room.
What the Kerygma process is not? ▼
- Kerygma is not a new effort, rather Jesus was the first to proclaim the full Kerygma message.
- Kerygma is not a new ministry or a recruiting effort for new ministers, although many participants decide to get involved in ministries in their parish.
- Kerygma does not propose a specific spirituality, rather it invites all into a Christian way of life.
- Kerygma is not a clique. All are welcome to hear the proclamation and share in the mission of the Church.
- Kerygma does not require you to be on the next presenting team. All are invited to belong to evangelized communities that meet regularly at your home parish (or nearby parish) to sustain a Christian way of life.