Formation of Faith and Academic Pursuit
It is the mission of the Diocese of Greensburg Catholic schools to inspire and prepare the students in our care to become the next generation of spiritual and intellectual leaders by immersing them in a Christ-centered environment that encircles an exemplary education focused on Catholic faith, rigorous academics, outstanding sports and activities, and service to the global community.

We believe that:
- Catholic education is a responsibility shared by all members of the family, parish, school, and Diocese of Greensburg.
- Catholic schools are centered in Christ’s teachings and Catholic doctrine.
- Each student is created with unique talents and intellect.
- Our rigorous curriculum challenges students to achieve their potential as they strive for excellence within the formation of faith, academics, and success in life.
- Students have a right to a safe, positive, nurturing learning environment with mutual respect demonstrated throughout the school community.
- Catholic schools encourage students to serve the church and the greater community, through lifelong evangelization.
Graduates of the schools of the Diocese of Greensburg will be:
Students have mastered a strong academic foundation and are able to apply skills, facts, and knowledge in real world environments.
Future Ready
Students are able to think critically, solve problems, use information, communicate and innovate. They are flexible, adaptive, collaborative, creative and globally aware and are able to compete in a global society.
Students will find ways to share their faith and academic knowledge with others.
Students will be able to work cooperatively for the good of all, accepting the freedom and responsibility leadership brings. They will be encouraged to act with integrity, and to make ethical, responsible, and moral decisions.
Disciples of Christ
Students will evangelize through their words and actions.
Problem Solvers
Students will develop their natural curiosity and encounter the world and embrace the future with a sense of imagination and wonder. They will acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They will apply thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems and develop solutions.
Catholic Social Teachers
Students will show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They will have a personal commitment to service, and to making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Life Long Learners
Students will work to build personal growth and are intrinsically motivated to continue the learning process throughout one’s life.
Catholic Identity
Within the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Greensburg, we teach religion daily and integrate it into every facet of the curriculum. The religious education we offer emphasizes formational growth as well as content knowledge. We follow standards for knowledge and faith development provided by the as guided by the documents of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Some of our spiritual celebrations at the elementary and high school levels include: daily school prayer, small group prayer, grade-level Masses, all-school liturgies and prayer services, as well as seasonal religious celebrations.
We focus on God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the church as one, holy, Catholic and apostolic, revelation (Scripture and faith), life in Christ (personal morality and Catholic social teaching), church history, prayer and religious practice, as well as Catholic faith literacy.
Focused Areas of Study
- Community – Integrating diversity
- Word – Teaching the authentic message of the church
- Worship – Expressing Catholicity in liturgy, prayer and daily life
- Service – Providing opportunities for outreach within the school and the greater community
- Evangelization – Spreading the good news of the faith
- Stewardship – Teaching responsibility through the prudent use of time, talent and treasure
Community Service
At our Catholic schools, students are immersed in Gospel values. Service is at the heart of the Gospel message. For this reason, all students are required to engage in service to others. All schools sponsor service projects throughout the academic year. Service to both our parishes and communities are vital elements to our religion curriculum.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry is the response of the Christian community to the needs of our young people. It is also the process of sharing unique gifts of youth with the larger community. Campus Ministry works to foster the total, personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic church.
As the young church of today, students of our high schools have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God by involvement in programs sponsored by Campus Ministry. This is accomplished through various activities, which are religious and social in nature. Campus Ministry coordinates the service component requirement of students.
Through Campus Ministry, high school students have the occasion to fully live their Catholic faith with the support and assistance of others. School chaplains and campus ministers are available on campus each day for student and faculty needs. A chapel is open daily for student and faculty use throughout the school year.
Club | Description | Requirements |
Columbian Squires | The Columbian Squires is a fraternal organization for Catholic young men, which helps them develop as leaders who understand their faith and have strong commitment to the church. It is the official organization of the Knights of Columbus in America. The Greensburg Central Catholic Junior-Senior High School Columbian Squires is sponsored by the Greensburg Knights of Columbus, Council #1480. | The organization is open to any Catholic male students in grades 9-12. |
Interact | Interact helps students to be conscientious of the needs of others and to respond to these needs in a spirit of Christian service. Interact is the student component of Rotary International that strives to promote service projects on the international, national and local levels. | Interact is open to all students who are willing to participate in a pre-set number of sponsored activities. An Interact board and officers are elected. |
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) | SADD works to inform students of the consequences of drunk driving. Through participation in this nationwide organization, the club here organizes (with faculty support team), Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week (i.e., Red Ribbon Week in October) and plans various activities throughout the school. | Open to all committed high school students who have taken charge of their lives by showing their friends and families they care enough not to let their friends or themselves drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. |