
Below you will find a listing of the members of clergy in the Diocese of Greensburg, and the parishes in which they serve. Select a category to filter the list.
To see a list of Chaplains, click here.

Father Elpidio Alcontin
Home Diocese: Tagum
Parochial Vicar:

Father Craig Alexander
Parochial Vicar:

Father Teodoro Abner Cortezano
Home Diocese: Caceres
Parochial Vicar:
Parochial Vicar:

Father Eric J. Dinga

Capuchin Father Paul Dressler
Sacramental Assistance and Parochial Duties:

Father Peter Guardiano
Home Diocese: Tagum
Parochial Vicar:

Father Andrew J. Hamilton
Parochial Vicar:

Father Jay Jacinto
Home Diocese: Caceres
Parochial Vicar:

Father Anthony J. Klimko
Pastor and Administrator:

Father Madhu Kodavatikanti
Home Diocese: Heralds of Good News Society
Parochial Vicar pro-tem:

Father Vijaya Kumar Koyyuri
Home Diocese: Heralds of Good News Society
Parochial Vicar pro-tem:

Bishop Larry J. Kulick

Father Segundino R. Laude
Home Diocese: San Jose de Antique

Father William J. Lechnar

Father Juanito G. Lozano
Home Diocese: Tagum
Parochial Vicar:

Father John A. Moineau
Pastoral Supply:

Father Innocent Noronm Orduah
Home Diocese: Port Harcourt (Nigeria)
Parochial Vicar pro-tem:
Parochial Vicar pro-tem:

Capuchin Father John A. Pavlik
Pastor: (Residence at the Friary at St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

Msgr. William R. Rathgeb
Judicial Vicar for the Diocesan Tribunal
Chaplain for the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill

Father Alien Z. Rocamora
Home Diocese: Ipil
Parochial Vicar:
Parochial Vicar:

Father Edwin Rubido
Home Diocese: San Jose de Antique
Parochial Vicar:

Father Joel A. Sayson
Home Diocese: Mati
Parochial Vicar:

Father Michael J. Sciberras
Pastoral and Sacramental Ministry:

Father Matthew Udoh
Home Diocese: Ikot Ekpene
Parochial Vicar pro tem:

Father Louiegene Valdez
Home Diocese: Bangued
Parochial Vicar:

Father Vincent A. Yee Concepcion
Home Diocese: Caceres

Father Kenneth G. Zaccagnini
Pastor/Administrator Pro Tem: