The Diocese of Greensburg requires all clergy, parish, cemetery, school employees and all volunteers to have all of the following clearances and trainings prior to work or ministry in the Diocese.✝
- VIRTUS Training – Every Five Years
- PA Criminal History Check Form – Every Five Years
- PA Child Abuse Form – Every Five Years
- FBI Fingerprint Check – Employees – Every Five Years.
- Volunteers – Every Five Years; continuing volunteers who have been a continuous resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the last ten years or more may complete an Affidavit for volunteers ‡ in lieu of the FBI Fingerprint Check. First time volunteers must complete the FBI Fingerprint check, then, in subsequent years the volunteer may complete an Affidavit if they have been a continuous resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaina for the last ten years or more.
✝ The Pennsylvania Provisional Services Law allows for an applicant for full or part-time employment or a volunteer for a position to be hired or accepted on a 30-day provisional basis. The Diocese of Greensburg does not ascribe to this practice. The Diocese requires that all documentation be in place prior to the applicant being offered a position in the Diocese.
* The Diocese of Greensburg considers all paid clergy, parish, cemetery and school staff to be a Mandated Reporter.
‡ CYO Coaches MUST obtain FBI Fingerprint Clearance every five years. They cannot submit a Volunteer Affidavit.
Additional Clearances for Catholic Schools
In addition to the Diocesan Clearances listed above, employees and volunteers working in our Catholic schools are required to also have the following clearances, based on position.
All Catholic Schools Employees
- ACT 24 Clearance
- ACT 168 Clearance
- Employee Affidavit (for new hires, when applicable)
- School Confidentiality Agreement
CYO Coaches (Volunteer, Age 18+)
Volunteers (Age 18+)
Additional Requirement for Ministering Priests and Deacons
In addition to the Diocesan Clearances listed above, a ministering priest or deacon from a Diocese outside of Greensburg is required to also have a current letter from their Bishop or Religious Superior stating that the individual is a Priest or Deacon in good standing canonically and has all clearances required by any applicable State and Federal Law.
All clearances listed above, as required by the state of Pennsylvania, are valid for a period of five years, and must be renewed prior to the five-year expiration date in order to be able to continue employment, or to volunteer.
Read the memo of the July 1, 2015 revisions to the Child Protective Services law (CPSL).
Please also see the Frequently Asked Questions.
Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct
Click to view: Diocese Code of Pastoral Conduct
This code is designed to be a companion to the guidelines of the National Charter, and to replace both the “Minor Protection Policy” and the “Policy of the Diocese of Greensburg for Clergy Sexual Misconduct.”
The “Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct” for the Diocese of Greensburg clearly sets forth standards and expectations for all those who act in the name of the Diocese. This document applies to all bishops, priests, deacons, religious and lay members of the Christian faithful who assist in providing pastoral care in the Diocese.
Although this code cannot cover every aspect of every circumstance that one may encounter in the course of church related work, it should be seen as a concise enumeration of expected public and private behavioral standards for those working or volunteering in the parishes, schools and other entities within the Diocese of Greensburg.
Mandated and Permissive Reporting Training Course
Click to View: Mandated and Permissive Reporting Training Course

In order to be sure that everyone understands the recent changes to the CPSL, the Diocese of Greensburg now requires all paid Pastoral Center, Christ Our Shepherd Center and Parish employees; Cemetery and School staff members; Clergy; and volunteers to take the online Mandated and Permissive Reporting Training Course, offered by the University of Pittsburgh, and then print out the certificate of completion.
Website for the online mandated reporter training.
Please Note: Individuals must first go to the registration page and register for the course to get their username and password. A person can take the course in one sitting or dispersed over time. It takes between 2-3 hours to take the course. The course is completed after the evaluation questions are answered, and the certificate of completion has been printed.
Mandated Reporters are encouraged to file a report online at www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis. Reporters are also permitted to immediately call Childline at 800-932-0313. With this new law, the mandated reporter must personally make the report, and can no longer rely on someone else (for example, a supervisor) to make the report. This is a change to the current policy. In addition, if not filed online, a written report, a CY-47 Form, must be made to the county Children and Youth Agency within 48 hours of the oral report to Childline. After the report is made to Childline, the mandated reporter should inform his or her immediate supervisor within the organization, even if the mandated reporter is a volunteer.
Permissive Reporters (everyone who is not a mandated reporter) are encouraged to immediately call Childline at 800-932-0313 to make the required report. This report can be done online as well. In either case, if the permissive reporter is associated with the Diocese of Greensburg or its entities, and after the permissive reporter makes the report to Childline, the permissive reporter should then inform his or her immediate supervisor within the organization, even if the permissive reporter is a volunteer.
Pennsylvania Criminal History Record Check
Click to View: Pennsylvania Criminal History Record Check

- The quickest and easiest way to obtain this clearance is to go online. Note: A credit card is required to complete the process.
- Volunteers Only: As of July 2015, volunteers do not have to pay for these clearances. Download the special volunteer only form here, or visit the Request a Criminal History Record web page and choose the Volunteer Only option when submitting a request online or by mail.
- The alternative method for obtaining this clearance is to Complete and Mail:
- Note: A copy of the form can be obtained from the parish or school office, or by contacting the Human Resources Office. The form can also be download by going to the above website, and completed by using the following steps:
- Fill out Name and Address
- Check the EMPLOYMENT / SCREENING block.
- Enclose a $22.00 Money Order for each application. No cash or personal checks accepted. Parish or School checks are acceptable.
- Mail form along with the money order or business check to the Pennsylvania State Police Address on the right side of the form. Cash or personal checks are not accepted.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: When you receive the results, you will need to send a copy of the completed and returned Criminal History Check form along with the completed Child Abuse History Clearance form and check to the Department of Human Services (address will be on the form). DO NOT SEND THE ORIGINAL FORM, AS IT WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO YOU.
Child Abuse History Clearance
Click to View: Child Abuse History Clearance

- The quickest and easiest way to obtain this clearance is to go online.
- Note: A credit card is required to complete the process.
- Volunteers only: As a volunteer applicant you are permitted to receive one certification free of charge every 57 months. In order to submit a volunteer application without a payment, you are required to affirm that you have not already received a paper or electronic volunteer certification free of charge within the previous 57 months.
- Create Account with Login and Password following instructions provided.
- E-mail will be sent with a temporary password. Retrieve temporary password from e-mail.
- Login using temporary password and create personal password.
- Read account conditions and check that you accept the conditions from the website.
- Click Create Clearance Application. Note: A paper copy of the form may be obtained from the parish or school office by contacting the Human Resources Office. The form can also be downloaded by going to the above website. Follow instructions below for the alternative method of mailing the form.
- Go to Application Purpose
- Individual 14 years of age or older who is applying for or holding a paid position as an employee with a program, activity or service, as a person responsible for the child’s welfare or having direct contact with children: Applying as an employee who is responsible for the child’s welfare or having direct contact (providing care, supervision, guidance or control to children or having routine interaction with children) in any of the following in which children participate and which is sponsored by a school or a public or private organization:
- A youth camp or program;
- A recreational camp or program;
- A sports or athletic program;
- A community or social outreach program;
- A enrichment or educational program; and
- A troop, club or similar organization.
- Complete application by following instructions from website. You will be asked to submit your e-mail address.
- Sign and date form with an electronic signature, which is your first and last name typed in the last block on the application.
- A certificate will be available from the website, and you can also choose to receive a paper copy delivered to your home address. It will take approximately two weeks to receive a response by e-mail.
- You will periodically receive application updates that will be sent to your e-mail address. Please Note: It appears that you do not have to send a copy of the PA Criminal Background Check in order to receive the results for this clearance.
- The alternative method for obtaining this clearance is to COMPLETE AND MAIL:
- Note: A copy of the form may be obtained from the parish or school office, or by contacting the Human Resources Office. The form can also be download by going to the web site, and choosing PA Child Abuse History (CY 113). If you choose to download the form, you will need to mail the completed Child Abuse History Clearance Form to the PA Department of Human Services.
- Type or print (Clearly and Neatly in Ink) Section I only.
- The address must be the APPLICANT’S current home address.
- All information must be completed in full. (The form asks for all previous names, addresses, and household members since 1975. This information must be provided to the best of your knowledge and belief. If necessary, attach additional pages.)
- Application must be SIGNED.
- Enclose a $13.00 Money Order for each application. No cash or personal checks accepted. Parish or School checks are acceptable.
- Do NOT send any postage paid return envelopes.
- Application should be placed in a business-sized (or larger) envelope prior to mailing
- One block must be checked for Purpose of Clearance. Do not check more than one block.
- If seeking to have involvement with a school, check the School Employee block. If performing a service (paid or unpaid) for organizations such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Boy Scouts, Little League, or churches, check the Volunteers block. A copy of your criminal Record Check results obtained within the past year must be attached. Do not send the original copy of your FBI results obtained within the past year. THIS BLOCK SHOULD NOT BE CHECKED BY ANYONE VOLUNTEERING IN SCHOOLS. If you do not fit either of those requirements, check the Employment with a significant likelihood of regular contact with children block.
Failure to comply with the above instructions will cause a considerable delay.
The results of your clearance will be mailed within 14 calendar days.
FBI Fingerprint Clearance
Click to View: FBI Fingerprint Clearance

Please Note: All employees are required to submit an FBI Fingerprint Clearance. All employees are required to maintain a current FBI Fingerprint Clearance. Employees may not use an affidavit for hire or continued employment. New employees cannot submit an Employee Affidavit when being hired.
To obtain an FBI Fingerprint Based Criminal History Background Check, the applicant must register prior to going to the fingerprinting site. Walk-in service without prior registration will not be provided at any fingerprinting location.
Registration is completed online following the steps below. There is no fee to register online. There is a fee, however, to obtain your actual prints. This fee is paid in person at the fingerprinting location nearest to the registrant, and it varies depending on the service code used (explained below).
- Begin by going to https://www.identogo.com.
- Once you arrive at the site, click the blue-colored button in the top right corner of the page that reads “Get Fingerprinted“.
- Under Select a Fingerprinting Service by State, select Pennsylvania and click the blue Go button.
NOTE: If choosing a different state, available services and corresponding Service Codes may vary, so the codes listed below may not apply.
- On the Pennsylvania page, scroll down under Enrollment Services and click the first option on the left for Digital Fingerprinting.
- The next screen is where you will enter one of the following 6-digit Service Codes. Each code corresponds to the type of registrant you are, and the fee associated with each type is listed next to it as well.
For Schools, including coaches, applying for the FBI Fingerprint Clearance, please use one of the following two service codes:
- Volunteer (DHS-Volunteer)
- Service Code: 1KG6ZJ
- Fee: $21.35
- School Employee (PDE-Non-Public Schools)
- Service Code: 1KG6TR
- Fee: $23.85
For Parishes applying for the FBI Fingerprint Clearance, please use one of the following two service codes:
- Parish Volunteer (DHS-Volunteer)
- Service Code: 1KG6ZJ
- Fee: $21.35
- Parish Employee (DHS–Employee >= 14 Years Contact w/Children)
- Service Code: 1KG756
- Fee: $23.85
For Diocesan Employees working at the Pastoral Center and applying for the FBI Fingerprint Clearance, please use the following service code:
- Diocesan Employee (DHS–Employee >= 14 Years Contact w/Children)
- Service Code: 1KG756
- Fee: $23.85
Employee Affidavit
Click to View: Employee Affidavit
Please Note: All employees are required to submit an FBI Fingerprint Clearance. Employees cannot submit an Employee Affidavit when being hired or for continued employment.
Current Employees can submit copies of their PA clearances (PA Criminal History Record Check, and PA Child Abuse History Clearance) and a copy of the FBI Fingerprint Clearance or copy of the Affidavit for the FBI Fingerprint Clearance from other Pennsylvania organizations (including other Dioceses in Pennsylvania), but the copies of the clearances or affidavits must be accompanied with a signed and notarized Employee Affidavit. The copies of the clearances and Affidavits from these organizations must be current.
Copies of the clearances and Affidavits between parishes and schools, and the Pastoral Center, within the Diocese of Greensburg only, can be sent freely without an accompanying Employee Affidavit.
Minors ages 14-17, who are employees, are required to obtain the two PA Clearances (PA Criminal History Record Check and the PA Child Abuse History Clearance) but are exempt from the FBI Fingerprint Clearance if they have resided in Pennsylvania for 10 years or more. A parent or guardian must sign an Employee Affidavit and have it notarized.
Minor employees, ages 14-17, can provide copies of the PA clearances, FBI Fingerprint Clearance or a copy of the Affidavit for the FBI Fingerprint Clearance from other Pennsylvania organizations (including other Dioceses in Pennsylvania), but the copies of the two PA clearances, FBI Fingerprint Clearance or FBI Fingerprint Clearance Affidavit must be accompanied by another signed and notarized Employee Affidavit by the parent or guardian. The clearances and Affidavits from these organizations must be current.
Employees, age 18 and up, who leave and return to work, do not need to have their clearances re-done (unless it has been five years) but will have to submit a signed and notarized Affidavit before they can begin to work.
Minor employees, ages 14-17, will need a signed and notarized Employee Affidavit from their parent or guardian.
Volunteer Affidavit
Click to View: Volunteer Affidavit
Updated 9/1/2022
Current Volunteers
Current volunteers who initially did the Affidavit would be grandfathered and not need to do the FBI clearance but could continue to use the Affidavit, so long as they have had a continual connection with the parish and have maintained a residence in PA for ten years. Thus a move out of the parish or the state for over one year would require FBI Clearance to be obtained. This would not apply to college students living between home and school.
Current volunteers who initially completed the actual FBI clearance would not need to do it again but could use the affidavit going forward, so long as they have had a continual connection with the parish and have maintained a residence in PA for ten years. Thus a move out of the area or the state for over one year would require a new FBI Clearance to be obtained. This would not apply to college students living between home and school.
New Volunteers
As of 9/1/2022 – The following clearances must be obtained by all new volunteers living in PA for less than 10 years: the Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint Clearance, the Pennsylvania State Police Clearance, the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, Virtus Training, the PA Mandated Reporter training and the Diocese of Greensburg Code of Conduct.
Thus, these new volunteers would need to get the FBI clearance the first time and then could use the affidavit going forward so long as they have had a continual connection with the parish and have maintained a residence in PA for ten years. Thus, a move out of the parish or the State for over one year would require a new FBI Clearance to be obtained.
As of 9/1/2022 – The following clearances must be obtained by volunteers living in PA continuously for 10 years: The DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEERS i.e., the Affidavit, the Pennsylvania State Police Clearance, the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, Virtus Training, the PA Mandated Reporter training and the Diocese of Greensburg Code of Conduct.
Thus, these new volunteers could use the affidavit so long as they have had a continual connection with the parish and have maintained a residence in PA for ten years. Thus, a move out of the parish or the State for over one year would require a new FBI Clearance to be obtained.
PA Acts 24 & 168 For Schools
Click to View: PA Acts 24 & 168 For Schools
Employees and volunteers of the Catholic Grade Schools and Catholic High Schools of the Diocese of Greensburg will be required read and sign the Act 24 form (ARREST/CONVICTION REPORT AND CERTIFICATION FORM). New hires will also be required to complete the Act 168 form (COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SEXUAL MISCONDUCT/ABUSE DISCLOSURE RELEASE).
Please consult with the Office of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Greensburg at 724-837-0901 x1248, for further clarification and assistance.
Click to View: Virtus

Excellence Builds Trust
VIRTUS—which derives from Latin and means valor, moral strength, excellence and worth—is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote correct actions in religious organizations.
This brand was developed by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group Inc. and selected by the diocese because of its quality and for the ability of the diocese to “train the trainer” and have those individuals train other people in the diocese.
At that time, the VIRTUS program, “Protecting God’s Children,” was implemented. The VIRTUS workshops help people recognize improper behavior.
A “Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct” was implemented in the diocese on Sept. 30, 2012, for all clergy and church personnel who are in contact with minors and vulnerable adults. That code, in part, requires all clergy, paid employees and regular volunteers to comply with Pennsylvania Acts 33 and 34. The parishes are required to keep the clearances on file.
VIRTUS training is required of all clergy, as well as employees and volunteers prior to clergy assignment, employment or engaging as a volunteer. The initial course required for all is “Protecting God’s Children Awareness.” To meet the five-year update requirement there are two additional courses from which to choose, “VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Re-Certification for Adults” and “Keeping the Promise Alive.” All three courses are available in the VIRTUS Online System.
All individuals who must complete VIRTUS training are encouraged to complete the session online. For those individuals that are unable to complete the session online, there will be facilitator sessions offered throughout the Diocese.
The schedule of VIRTUS training sessions offered locally by the diocese can be found online, published in The Catholic Accent newspaper and listed in all parish bulletins.
Register for a Course
Please read the steps below, and view/print the full list of instructions for VIRTUS registration whether you’ve chosen to participate in a local session or online session. Once you begin the registration process, you will be prompted to select a local session or an online session.
Before your first Protecting God’s Children session, you must register with VIRTUS Online.
Go to http://www.virtusonline.org
On the left side of the screen, click the yellow link labeled Registration, to begin the registration.
To proceed, click on Begin the registration process.
Choose the name of your organization (Greensburg [PA], Diocese) from the pull-down menu by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting your organization.
Once your organization is selected, click Select.
View and print the full list of registration instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question to view the answer
Question: As a mandated reporter, is it my responsibility to report suspected child abuse outside of my place of employment?
Yes. Being a mandated reporter is not situation-specific. You are responsible for reporting suspected child abuse anywhere and at any time.
Question : At what age are CPSL clearances required?
CPSL clearances are required for employees 14 years of age and older, and volunteers 18 years of age and older.
Question : Can CPSL clearances be transferred to other employment organizations?
By the current Child Protective Services Law employee clearances cannot be transferred to a new employer, but they can be transferred and used as clearances for volunteer positions in other organizations. Employee and volunteer clearances can be transferred and used as clearances only for volunteer positions in other organizations.
Note Well: The clearances of an employee working for any Diocese of Greensburg parish, school, cemetery, Diocesan office or other Diocesan entity are transferable for the purposes of employment at any of the above listed entities within the Diocese of Greensburg.
JULY 1, 2015 REVISION: The 2014 law allows volunteers who have obtained the necessary clearances to volunteer for more than one agency or institution without having to obtain new clearances each time. The new bill will extend that same permission to employees who work for another agency or institution if all of the employee’s clearances are current and if the employee affirms in writing that s/he would not be disqualified from employment due to the commission of a crime.
Question : Do amusement ride employees need to have clearances?
They would need a statement from the amusement company stating that all employees have the required clearances.
Question : Do caterers need to have clearances?
If a caterer drops off food for a parish event they would not need clearances, but if they stay to serve then they would need a statement from the catering company stating that all employees have the required clearances.
Question : Do festival volunteers need to have clearances?
They need their clearances because they are performing a service where they have direct access to children.
Question : Do greeters need clearances?
They need their clearances because they are performing a service where they have direct access to children.
Question : Do money counter volunteers need clearances?
Yes, it is Diocesan policy that all employees and volunteers (with the exception of minor volunteers, ages 14-17) obtain all clearances and complete all trainings.
Question : Do office volunteers need to have clearances?
They need their clearances because they are performing a service where they may have direct access to children.
Question : Do parents volunteering at a concession stand need clearances?
They need their clearances because they are performing a service where they may have direct access to children.
Question : Do VIRTUS training and Mandated Reporter training each have to be reviewed every five years?
The initial VIRTUS training course that must be completed is “Protecting God’s Children Awareness.” To meet the five-year update requirement there are two additional courses from which to choose, “VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Re-certification for Adults” and “Keeping the Promise Alive.” All three courses are available in the VIRTUS Online System. Mandated Reporter training is only required one time.
Question : Does an affidavit need to be renewed every five years?
JULY 1, 2015 REVISION: This is in lieu of fingerprinting but it is the same form and must be renewed every five years (60 months) just like the fingerprints.
Question : If parents are scheduled to be on recess duty once a month, do they need their clearances?
They need their clearances because they are performing a service where they may have direct access to children.
Question : If parents or grandparents are coming in to the school as Homeroom Parents for a party are clearances required?
If they are volunteering their service or time at the school to help set up, serve food, or supervise party games or other activities, etc., they are considered to be volunteers and need their clearances because they are performing a service where they have direct access to children. If they are guests they do not need clearances since they are not volunteers and there will be staff members in charge of supervision.
Question : If parents or grandparents want to attend a school play or breakfast/lunch event with their children, do they need to have their clearances?
The attendees will not need clearances because they were invited by the school to either watch or socialize with their children as they eat. The attendees in this case are not volunteering and there would be staff members in charge of supervision.
Question : If parents receive their clearances and can only volunteer once during the year, to they need new clearances the next year?
The parent will not need new clearances until the end of the five year time period expires. The clearances are good for five years from the time that the parent receives them.
Question : If parents volunteer only once, for the Fun Day (or similar event), at the end of the year, do they need clearances?
They need their clearances because they are working with or supervising children.
Question : If there is a band playing at our festival, do band members need clearances?
They would need a statement from the booking company stating that all band members have the required clearances.
Question : If we have parishioners cleaning the church on a weekly or monthly basis, would they need clearances?
If there is absolutely no chance of direct contact with children, then they would not need clearances. However, if there is a chance that they may have contact with children then they would need them.
Question : I’m an employee or volunteer in the Diocese of Greensburg and I have clearances from six months ago. Do I need to renew them now?
For incumbent employees, CPSL clearances must be obtained within 3 years of their most recent clearances, or if clearances are older than 3 years, then new clearances must be obtained within 1 year of December 31, 2014. Incumbent employees who presently do not have the required CPSL clearances must obtain them immediately.
JULY 1, 2015 REVISION: The new law pushes the effective date for the acquisition of clearance certifications by new volunteers to August 25, 2015 from the original 2014 law’s trigger date of July 1, 2015 and all existing volunteers are required to have clearances by July 1, 2016.
All existing employees are required to have current clearances by December 31, 2015 and all new employees must have them in place before they are hired.
Although existing volunteers are not required by law to have clearances in place until July 1, 2016 it is our Diocesan position, out of concern for the safety and protection of our children and vulnerable adults, that the current Diocesan policy of having existing volunteers complete clearances immediately is still reasonable and justified.
Question : Is there a category of employees or volunteers that do not need to have clearances and trainings?
Yes. Minor volunteers (ages 14-17) do not need clearances or training, and are the only exception. All other employees and volunteers must obtain all clearances and complete all trainings.
Question : Who can fill out an affidavit in lieu of fingerprints?
A volunteer can if he or she meets the requirements.
JULY 1, 2015 REVISION: An employee who is a minor (between the ages of 14-17) may also use the Affidavit in lieu of the FBI clearance if they meet the residence eligibility requirements and her/his parent or legal guardian swears or affirms in writing that the minor is not ineligible for employment due to having perpetrated child abuse or having been convicted of a disqualifying crime that is enumerated in the CPSL.
Question : Why do we have to obtain clearances to volunteer in our schools?
It is a requirement of the state mandated PA Act 153. In addition, the law and its requirements are consistent with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and the Church’s efforts to protect children.
Question : Why must I renew all three CPSL clearances every five years?
The current Child Protective Services Law states that all CPSL clearances (The PA State Police Criminal History Report, The PA Department of Human Services Certification, and The FBI Criminal History Report) are only valid for five years and must be obtained again by both employees and volunteers every five years.
JULY 1, 2015 REVISION: New certifications will be required of employees and volunteers every 60 months rather than every 36 months, as required by the 2014 law. This will include school employees not previously subject to the CPSL, but who instead were only subject to §111 of the Public School Code.
Any employee whose current certifications were issued prior to December 31, 2014 will be required to obtain new certifications within 60 months of their oldest certification. If that person’s current certification is older than 60 months, then the new certifications must be obtained by December 31, 2015. Any person who was not previously required by law to obtain the certifications, but is now covered by the mandate, will have until December 31, 2015 to obtain the certifications as well.