
The CYO Athletics program of the Diocese of Greensburg is open to parishioners of the Diocese and students currently enrolled in its Catholic schools. The goal of the CYO program is to teach youth about sports, competition, and good sportsmanship consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church while promoting an inclusive, developmentally-oriented youth sports culture.
The CYO Athletics program currently offers the following athletic opportunities:
- Co-Ed Cross Country (Fall)
- Girls Basketball (Fall)
- Boys Basketball (Winter)
- Girls Cheerleading
- Girls Volleyball (Spring)
All teams participating in the CYO Athletics program must be sponsored by a Catholic school in the Diocese of Greensburg, a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Greensburg or a diocesan-approved consolidation of schools and/or parish.
For more information about the CYO Athletics Program, please call 724-552-2594.
CYO Athletics Handbook of Policies and Procedures
The CYO Athletics Handbook outlines the structure and functions that guide the planning and implementation of the diocesan athletic program.

All participants in the CYO program must be registered and active members of a Catholic parish or Catholic school in the Diocese of Greensburg. All parishioner participants must be enrolled in, and regularly attending, the parish religious education program for the entire school year.
The parish pastor must verify this enrollment and activity status with a signature on the participant’s Consent Form. All athletes must meet the age, grade and other requirements of the particular CYO athletic program in which they play. Additional participant information can be found in the CYO Handbook of Policies (see link above).
All participants and parents/guardians must complete and submit the documents in the list of Participant and Parent/Guardian Forms to the parish/school before being permitted to participate in CYO Athletics. Forms must be retained at the school/parish.
Participants and Parent/Guardian Forms
Consent Form (to be completed by Parent, Physician, and Pastor/Principal) |
Understanding of Risk of Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Form (to be read and signed by student-athlete and parent/guardian) Be familiar with the nature and risk of concussion and traumatic brain injury while participating in interscholastic athletics. |
Warning Signs of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Acknowledgement Form (to be read and signed by student-athlete and parent/guardian) |
Player Code of Conduct (to be read and signed by student-athlete) |
Parent Code of Conduct (to be read and signed by parent/guardian) |

The goal of the CYO program is to teach youth about sports, competition and good sportsmanship consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church while promoting an inclusive, developmentally-oriented youth sports culture. Coaches must be constantly aware of the tremendous influence they have on their players and should use this opportunity to always set a positive Christian example.
It is the responsibility of the schools, parishes and diocesan administration to ensure that our student-athletes receive the highest quality coaching available, and that the coach demonstrates a positive influence to all student-athletes on the team.
All CYO teams must have a diocesan approved, volunteer coach that is at least 21 years of age. A coach must be present with the team at all games and practices, and is responsible for the team’s conduct.
Prior to discharging any duties, a coach is required to complete all diocesan required clearances and trainings and must complete all forms required by the PIAA.
Coaching Requirements
PA Criminal History Record Check Submit a PA criminal history record check. |
Child Abuse History Complete the PA and federal child abuse history check. |
FBI Fingerprints Visit the instructions for FBI Fingerprinting. All applicants must register prior to going to the fingerprint site. |
VIRTUS Training Register for a local VIRTUS training or take the online course. |
Mandated Reporter Training Complete the online Mandated Reporter Training. |
Code of Pastoral Conduct Read and submit a signed Acknowledgement Form. |
Act 24 Form Submit an Arrest/Conviction Report Form. |
Code of Conduct for Coaches Read and sign. |
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Acknowledgement Form Download, sign, and review the symptoms and warning signs of SCA. |
Concussion Training Complete the online Concussion Training. |
Play Like a Champion Today Coaches Clinic Register for an upcoming Play Like a Champion Today Clinic. |
Coaches Acknowledgement of Receipt and Review of CYO Handbook Read and submit the signed form. |