The Diocese of Greensburg
in partnership with
The Institute for Ministry Formation
invites you to
An academic and pastoral program in evangelizing catechesisDiocese of Greensburg Enlighten! Program
The Diocese of Greensburg Office of Faith, Family and Discipleship is pleased to partner with the Institute of Ministry Formation on a Catechetical Formation Program tailored to empower pastoral associates, faith formation directors, and youth ministers in the work that they are doing in the parishes. Students registering with the Diocese of Greensburg will have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. In addition to the courses taken at Saint Vincent Seminary, students from the Diocese of Greensburg participate as a cohort in pastoral and spiritual formation with the Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship.
The first year of studies is focused on pastoral reflection. These sessions include personal development time with one-on-one coaching through strengths and other psychological assessments that will help the individual grow in self-awareness, understanding of professional boundaries, and conflict resolution so that their relational ministries in parishes can thrive. A focus on unique giftedness enables participants to understand their own role in God’s Kingdom and help aid others to where God is calling them to be as well. Workshops are held monthly on Saturdays. Students also attend a yearly retreat to continue to build community together and dive in deeper to the topics discussed in the workshops.
The second year of studies is focused on pastoral experience. Students participate in a field experience where they work beside current staff members in parishes to create opportunities for parishioners to deepen their experience of discipleship. There will be opportunities to present or teach, build community involvement, and create ministry opportunities that suit the individual needs of the parish while using the gifts of the students.
About the Program
The Diocese of Greensburg, in cooperation with the Institute for Ministry Formation (IMF), offers a robust formation program for adults interested in growing in faith, deepening their knowledge of the faith, and in developing skills for ministry in faith formation. The IMF offers the highest quality of graduate education through courses taught by professors who are highly experienced and acclaimed for their excellence. This formation program, in collaboration with the Diocese of Greensburg, builds on the IMF’s Certificate in Catechesis and provides some additional advantages including:
~ Formation workshops ~ Fellowship and mutual support through a cohort of local participants ~ Support from diocesan staff for integration into the pastoral priorities and mission of the Diocese ~ Local offerings for retreats and spiritual direction ~ Financial support ~
The successful completion of the Diocese of Greensburg program yields a certificate of completion in addition to the IMF’s Catechetics certificate. Graduates will be well-positioned for official and unofficial participation in the evangelization and catechetical ministry of the Diocese of Greensburg.
Program Format: Online and In-Person
The program is offered with both online and in-person elements for the Diocese of Greensburg. Courses for the IMF’s Catechetics certificate are offered in a live, online format. Students are expected to log in and participate fully in weekly, interactive video-conferenced lectures as well as view shorter recorded lectures and complete discussion posts, write papers and take exams. There are also some courses that are offered in person across several Saturdays from 9am to 3pm with a break for lunch. These courses are hosted at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA.
Time Commitment and Schedule for Completion
The entire formation program requires two years to complete. Courses are scheduled for Thursday evenings in two successive time slots — 6:30-7:45pm and 8:00-9:15pm — in the fall and spring semesters on dates that follow the St. Vincent College calendar (roughly the last week of August to the first week of December and the third week of January to the first week of May). Some courses are also offered on some Saturdays during those semesters. Some Saturday Workshops and weekend retreats are also required as part of the additional formation offered by the Diocese of Greensburg.
For more information and to register, please visit
Certificate Requirements – 20 Credits
There are two tracks of formation, both of which provide a thorough formation in evangelizing catechesis. Track 1 and Track 2 have 14 credits in common. Track 1 provides practical skills and formation in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model, acknowledging the six credit hours, or 90 hours of integrated formation provided by the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 1 formation. This is a good option for anyone intending to do catechesis with children using any model. Track 2 provides additional courses in replacement of CGS Level 1 formation that will assist with the intellectual catechetical formation of adults. Both tracks build a foundation for a kerygmatic and evangelizing model of catechesis that is expected by the 2020 Vatican Directory for Catechesis.
Catechetics Core Courses – 14 credits |
IMCA 600: Principles of Prayer and Catholic Spirituality – 2 credits IMCA 601: SD1: The Art of Accompaniment – 2 credits IMCA 630: Praying Sacred Scripture – 2 credits IMCA 650: Sacramental Theology: Connecting Liturgy to Life – 2 credits IMCA660: Moral Theology for Catechists – 2 credits IMCA 670: Christian Anthropology & Catechesis – 2 credits IMCA 680: Catechesis in the New Evangelization – 2 credits |
Track 1 | Track 2 |
Professional equivalent credits (CGS Level 1 Formation) – 6 credits | IMCA 610: The Creed: I Believe, We Believe! – 2 credits IMCA 615: Church History: From Christendom to Apostolic Age – 1 credit IMCA 631: Overview of the Old Testament – 1 credit IMCA 780: Introduction to Liturgical and Kerygmatic Catechesis – 2 credits |
Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $670 per credit hour for graduate level credit. Students also incur a $150 Technology and Sundry fee per semester. Students in the Enlighten! program receive significant financial aid through the Institute for Ministry Formation.
Scholarships are available through the Anselm funds for those participating in the program that are in the Diocese of Greensburg.
For more information or to apply to Enlighten!
Contact the Diocese of Greensburg Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship at 724-837-0901 or email:
Mr. Vincent Reilly – [email protected]
Mrs. Elizabeth Haberstroh – [email protected]