Standard Catechist Courses
The Mystery of God: An deeper exploration of the Creed and the Church’s teachings on God (10 hours)
God’s Revelation in Scripture: A deeper exploration of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures as the word of God and a privileged source of God’s revelation to us (10 hours)
The Church and Church History: A deeper exploration of the History of the Church, including the early Councils and Church Fathers, the founders of Religious Orders, and local Church history (10 hours)
Life in Christ: A deeper exploration of the Church’s moral teaching, utilizing Catholic Social Teaching, the Commandments and Beatitudes, in light of modern culture (10 hours)
Liturgy and Spirituality: A deeper exploration of prayer life of the Church, both communal and personal, as a way in which God speaks to his people today (10 hours)
Proclaiming the Gospel Today: A deeper exploration of our baptismal call to proclaim the Gospel to all people and practical ways in which we can be effective in our efforts (10 hours)
There are pre-reading assignments for each of these courses. Pre-reading assignments can be downloaded from the Diocesan website or requested from a Parish Catechetical Leader or Certification Coordinator.
Workshops/Classes for completion of both Basic and Standard certification will be offered by the Office of Faith, Family, and Discipleship quarterly. Additionally courses from Pathways or from an approved online program can be used to fulfill Standard Level Certification. (See Appendix G for a correlation of Pathways courses and the Standard Certification requirements.)